Giving online is simple, safe and secure. Use the form to the below to get started.
Text to Give Number: (816) 307-0766
Simply text the amount you would like to give, followed by the Code to give a specific fund. For example:
text "$50 Offering" to give to General Offering text "$50 Tithes" to give to Tithes
text "$50 Pastor" to give to Pastor's Appreciation text "$50 SunSchool" to give to Christian Education
text "$50 Bldg" to give to Building Fund text "$50 Youth" to give to Children/Youth Ministry
*You will be directed to register the first time you use the text to give feature.
Please make checks payable to Westminster Baptist Church and indicate what the contribution is for on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to the attention of Finance Team. 11230 Bristol Ter. Kansas City, MO 64134